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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
2010 Wow!
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

2010 Wow!

It is hard to believe that we are into the second month of 2010. What have we done so far? New year resolutions should be underway. We are working diligently on our resolutions. For some of us we resolved to take better care of ourselves. We have vowed to lose weight, work out at the gym or yoga studios; some of us have decided to walk or run to improve our health.
Last year was a good year for all of us because we are still breathing. Some of us may have lost love ones, homes, jobs, etc., but all in all it was still a good year in spite of the set backs. Set backs are part of the universal plan. Set backs are designed to slow us down and to get us to re-evaluate our plans. Set backs allows us to think differently about circumstance and situations. It is okay to have plans. Plans help us along our path in life. Plans gives us a direction and a purpose; a goal. However, in planning it would be wise to include plans A, B and C.
When things dont go along with your plans it is because the universe is preparing you for the ultimate plan. Perhaps a plan that will lead you into the purpose of your existence on this earth. We all have a reason for breathing.
In 2010 we can be brand new. We can get into the spirit of divine reverence. We can breathe the fresh new breath of 2010 and we can use our breath to carry out our divine plans that the universe has lead us too.
In 2010 we can be whatever we desire to be. We can consciously change our friends, jobs, thoughts, church, school and neighborhood. We can change our attitudes, our words; we can even change our bodies.
In 2010 you will find gifts, blessings, and luck. 2010 has in it health, wealth, love, sadness, pain, sickness, death and happiness. 2010 is the continuance of our beloved President and the first black family in the White House. 2010 has good, positive vibrations. It has an energy that is reassuring, warm, and kind.
With the right attitude of love, patience, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and serving others, 2010 will bless you in more ways than you can imagine.
Happy, Healthy, Loving, and Kind 2010.
Sat Nam, Namaste.

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