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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Bluepoint Medical Associates
A Good Night's Sleep and Learning
Bluepoint Medical Associates
. http://bluepointmed.com

A Good Night's Sleep and Learning

We all have those nights where sleep just doesn't seem to agree with us. We want it butwe're too distracted tohave it. Thenmorning arrives and we struggle to carry on with the day.You feel tired andyour mind is all over the place. It seems pretty clear that pulling all-nighters may not be the best solution for students.

Without a good night's sleep the next day can be ruined.

If there were two factors that contribute to the deterioration of learning they would be stress and poor sleep. Stress takes away your focus, hinders creativity, and can contribute to poor sleep. Sleep is a necessity in consolidating and optimizing memories. Without enough sleep we would all be drifting along throughout the day.

Statistically it is stress and bad sleep that affects nearly everyone today. By improving sleep and reducing stress, you'd be experiencing something so different than what you have been used to.

Unless you're one who never has a bad night's sleep it's important to understand the basics of sleep and the impact your sleep habits have on learning. You should be receiving proper amounts of sleep every night, not just “some” nights.

There is always a risk of ruining your sleep patterns as a result of being distracted by the Internet, computers, cell phones, etc. In short, our brains are constantly bombarded with all of these things. And, what's important is that the human brain has not had enough time to evolve and adapt to the stimuli of this modern lifestyle. This is why we see so many sleep disorders seriously affecting millions of people in more developed nations.

Everyone sleeps, for the most part,but why the brain needs sleep has remained a mystery. Neuroscientists now believe sleep is not only crucial to brain development, but is also necessary to help consolidate the effects of waking experiences by converting memory into more permanent and/or enhanced forms.

Remember these points

Stress takes away your focus, stifles creativity, and can contribute to poor sleep.

Sleep is needed for consolidating and optimizing memories. Without sleep, you cannot even experience the sense of a “good day.”

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