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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Carlos Durana, PhD, MAc
Acupuncture For Workplace Stress and Pain
Seasons In Our Lives
. http://seasonsinourlife.com/

Acupuncture For Workplace Stress and Pain

The workplace is where numerous people spend many of their waking hours during the week. Work can also be a major cause of stress, depending on the occupation and the overall workplace culture and management style. Excessive stress will not only increase your anxiety, but can actually cause physical pain and emotional distress.

Physical symptoms of stress include headaches, neck and back pain, digestive problems, and do damage to our emotional health. Acupuncture is a dependable treatment to help fight these everyday situations that can wreak havoc on our minds and bodies. Here are a few benefits of acupuncture:

Decrease Stress

Stress is one of the main reasons people seek out acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture is safe, and has been proven to decrease the number of stress hormones and moderate mood to diminish anxiety.

Reduced Back Pain, Neck Tension, and Joint Pain

During a stressful day at the office, people are exposed to keyboards and cell phones, which along with poor posture from extended periods of sitting,  and external job hazards, can wreak havoc on a person’s physical health.  As a drug-free pain relief, acupuncture works to alleviate body pain and decrease swelling and inflammation.

Headache Relief

For thousands of years, acupuncture has been used to alleviate headache pain. In fact, recent studies have suggested that the effects of acupuncture for headaches and migraines can produce relief for a few days with possible lasting effects, which could eliminate the need for medication,

Reduced Eye Strain

Eyestrain is found to be linked with neck tension and can easily be comforted with the help of acupuncture therapy.

Enhanced Immune System

Acupuncture works by helping to fight off pathogens by boosting the body’s immune system. Treatments can also minimize the time you’re out of the office with a cold or other bothersome, minor illnesses.

Improved Mental Clarity and Increased Energy

Many who have received acupuncture therapy have reported enhanced mental clarity, along with a surge of energy. Other benefits that have been reported include improved, more restful sleep,  leaving individuals feeling energized throughout the day.

Relief from Digestive Conditions

Individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal problems may find they’re less productive, as they need to slip away to the restroom more often. Acupuncture has been found to help regulate the digestive system helping the patient achieve overall performance and minimize days off due to illness.

Allergy Relief

Allergies can become debilitating to the point where employees miss work or are unproductive. Acupuncture plays an important role in preventing allergies from taking over your life.

Fewer Injuries

Some of the most common job-related injuries are the result of recurring stress injuries. Acupuncture has been found highly effective in treating common workplace injuries and stress while eliminating the need for surgery or drugs for treatments.

As you can see, acupuncture can have beneficial effects, both inside and outside the office, helping patients achieve the best version of themselves.

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