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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Thomas Jordan, RMP
After a Massage: What You Should and Shouldn’t Do
Moonshadows Massage & Wellness
. http://www.moonshadowsmassage.com

After a Massage: What You Should and Shouldn’t Do

Whether you get regular massages to help with an injury, loosen your muscles after a training session, ease the pain of an injury or medical condition you’re experiencing, or just as pure relaxation, we want you to get the most out of your massage. Here are a few dos and don’ts to help you get the most out of your massage:

Do Drink Water To Rehydrate

Because we manually increase lymphatic flow, massage can have a diuretic effect on the body, causing you to lose a little water. Drinking plenty of water before and after a massage will ensure that you stay hydrated and continue to feel great after your appointment.

Do Take a Nap

There is no doubt that after your session your muscles will be relaxed, and your mind clear due to the feel-good hormones that your body releases. Try to schedule your massage appointment at a time in your day where you can enjoy the benefits of relaxing and refueling your body through a much-needed nap. Not only will you enjoy some great sleep, but you’ll also give your body time to reset.

Do Eat

Massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, giving you that amazing feeling of relaxation, and aiding digestion at the same time. You’ll more than likely be a little hungry when you leave your appointment so refuel your body with a light snack or well-balanced meal.

Do Use Heat Therapy

We do our best to relax your muscles during a massage, and the addition of before, during, and after your massage will act to increase that relaxation effect, leaving you feeling even more amazing. This can also help dissipate some of the muscle soreness that can be associated with more rigorous techniques and injury rehabilitation.

Don’t Drink Alcohol

As mentioned before, massage has a diuretic affect. Since alcohol also has a diuretic effect, it’s important to avoid it for a bit after your massage. If you’re going to anyway, don’t overdo it, and be sure to drink some extra water to keep yourself from becoming too dehydrated.

Don’t Exercise

While many would think this is the perfect time to go exercise because the muscles are loosened, take this time and enjoy the benefits of your massage. Let your body heal and enjoy a rest day. Yoga and light stretching are perfectly fine if you really need to move your body after a massage, just keep in mind that you don’t want to overdo it.

Don’t Stress

Massage helps relieve stress from your day-to-day life. Enjoy the benefits of your massage by putting on some relaxing music, and just kick back and relax. Try to stay away from working, watching the news, or anything else that will bring your stress levels back up. Make today about you.

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