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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Thomas K. Lo, MA, DC
Food Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerances
Advanced Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing Center
. http://www.doctorlo.com/

Food Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerances

More people are having bad reactions to food, and most diagnostic tests are unreliable. It’s estimated that 2.5% of the U.S. population has food allergies. However, it is estimated that 10-25% of the population may have food sensitivities or intolerances.

A food allergy occurs when the immune system triggers IgE antibodies to bind with a food protein (the allergen). This is believed to activate cells throughout the body to release large amounts of chemicals, such as histamine. Allergic reactions can occur throughout the body, usually within a few minutes to an hour after eating the offending food.

The majority (90%) of food allergies are triggered by eight foods: milk products, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, fish, shellfish and soy. True food allergies almost always begin in the first or second year of life.

Food sensitivity may cause symptoms similar to allergies, but reactions are slower and milder. It can take hours or even days before symptoms appear. Sensitivities may contribute to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, depression, sinusitis, GERD, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, ADD, rashes and more.

Food intolerance means the immune system is not directly involved and reactions are not life threatening, though health and quality of life can be affected.

A common intolerance is lactose intolerance, difficulty digesting milk sugar resulting in symptoms like abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Insufficient lactase, an enzyme needed to digest lactose, is involved. Pasteurization of milk destroys lactase and changes milk sugar into another form.

Some food intolerances are due to food additives rather than a food. Common culprits are sulfites, MSG, aspartame, other artificial sweeteners, preservatives (BHT, BHA), yellow dye #5, artificial colors, and artificial flavors.

While an allergic reaction can be triggered by small amounts of a particular food, intolerance may occur only with a large amount or frequent consumption. Symptoms can be chronic or delayed by hours or a couple of days. Far more people have food intolerances than true allergies.

Medical doctors usually order a RAST (radioallergosorbent test) or skin prick test, which is a blood test to detect IgE antibodies to a particular food. Unfortunately, about half of the time, the RAST returns a false-positive test result. Two other skin tests seem somewhat more precise, provocative neutralization and dilution titration, but they are time-consuming. LRA ELISA-ACT testing appears to be more reliable and at least has better consistency. There are no blood tests for intolerances.

With Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique (AACT), we now have a truly revolutionary system for dealing with allergies. It is a natural, drugless, painless, non-invasive method that can be used safely for anyone, from infants to seniors, to eliminate allergies and symptoms arising from previous exposure to allergens and their allergic manifestations.

The AACT is proven very effective in eliminating symptoms associated with allergies, food sensitivities and other conditions related to the body’s inability to process what should be harmless substances. This technique allows us to identify allergens and to reprogram the nervous system to react appropriately to them.

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