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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Craig E. Vigliante, MD, DMD
Advances In Hair Restoration With NeoGraft
Potomac Surgical Arts, PC
. http://www.potomacsurgicalarts.com/

Advances In Hair Restoration With NeoGraft

Many people want a full head of hair but are unsure or have fears of their appearance after a hair restoration procedure. Times have changed. Hair replacement can now be performed to look natural. Hair restoration should be unnoticeable to all but those you tell. This is where NeoGraft delivers.

Surgically transplanting hair has come a long was over the past decade to the point where follicular unit grafting (FUG) is now more widely accepted. It's not like the old-style plugs people used to get. These grafts are indistinguishable from your natural hair and are probably more durable than your natural hair in the long run.

The facts are that 50 million men and approximately 30 million women suffer from male/female pattern baldness or thinning hair. Many potential patients shy-away from (or are not candidates for) the traditional “strip method” of hair replacement because of the slow recovery time, the loss of feeling at the incision site, the tiny linear scar on the back of the head, or the amount of post-operative pain involved.

The latest procedure for hair transplantation is follicular unit extraction (FUE), where each hair is harvested and individually placed in a new location on your scalp. Instead of putting “clumps of hair” on the top of the head, we move single units of hair. This allows the hair to grow the way it was before it was lost. By doing this, there are no scars to deal with, and the procedure is more tolerable and may even be a little safer. This translates into natural looks and happy patients.

Why NeoGraft?

It is the least invasive procedure for hair transplantation

Less discomfort

No stitches or staples are used in the procedure

No linear scar

No numbness where the donor hair is harvested

Quicker recovery time

Natural looking results

Less restrictions on your normal daily activities

Patients can typically go back to work the next day

Flexibility for any hair style of your choice, short or long

NeoGraft is a game changing technology which automates the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method to give patients more natural looking results with minimal downtime, no linear scaring and no stitches.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130