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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kate Faxon
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentations A Cosmetic Reality

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentations A Cosmetic Reality

“Can my belly fat be used to make my breasts larger?” Plastic surgeons are often asked if fat can be used for breast enhancement. In the past plastic surgeons would just smile politely, knowing that such an option did not exist.

But an implant-free minimally invasive breast augmentation has become a reality. How you ask? Read on for a brief explanation of the procedure with its benefits and drawbacks so you can make a better decision if it is the right choice for you.

Natural breast augmentation is a procedure where fat cells are removed from other areas of your body using liposuction. Commonly used donor areas include the abdomen or thighs. But fat can be retrieved from almost anywhere. Even if you are thin, there is ample supply of fat for the procedure.

The fat is then prepared and strategically injected into your breasts. No large incisions required. No implants needed.

This technique, referred to as fat grafting, fat structuring, or lipomodeling is not new. Fat grafting can be traced to the 1890's and has been used in all areas of the face and body to correct deficiencies or contour deformities.

Historically fat was harvested by long incisions and large pieces of tissue were used. As advances were made in liposuction, fat retrieval could be done with smaller incisions and a renewed interest in fat grafting ensued.

In fact, lipocontouring to the breast using these techniques has been used for over a decade to correct contour irregularities after breast conservation and to improve breast reconstructions.

But fat grafting for cosmetic applications remained controversial. There was some concern that injecting fat into the breasts could interfere with breast cancer screening. Research though has proven that the procedure is safe and it has gained increased interest in the cosmetic arena.

The benefits are numerous. The procedure is minimally invasive with few, small incisions. No implants are needed and therefore there is no risk of implant-related complications, such as capsular contracture or rupture and leak.

There is also the added benefit of liposuction to another area of the body. It is an outpatient procedure with little downtime and no activity restrictions post-operatively.

In comparison to implant-based enhancement, the results of a natural augmentation are subtler. To get a dramatic increase in size, multiple procedures may be required. Therefore, the overall cost may be increased. Like all surgery, there are potential complications including infection, oil cysts and injury to your lung, highlighting the importance of your chosen surgeon.

If you are considering increasing your bra size or restoring your breast volume, work with a plastic surgeon to figure out what is the best option so you can get the results you want. Using your own fat for breast enhancement is a reality.

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