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George Bitar, MD
Qwo For Cellulite Reduction
Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute
. http://www.bitarinstitute.com

Qwo For Cellulite Reduction

Qwo For Cellulite Reduction

Qwo is the first and only FDA-approved injectable for the treatment of moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women. Qwo is an injectable treatment option that is thought to target a primary structural cause of cellulite – the fibrous septae. The procedure consists of three treatments three weeks apart. Results are seen within three months.

How It Works

Enzymes called collagenases target the structural causes under the skin, where cellulite starts. It’s thought that Qwo works by releasing fibrous bands, redistributing fat cells, and stimulating the growth of new collagen.

Is Qwo a Surgical Procedure?

No. Qwo is an injectable treatment option that is thought to target a primary structural cause of cellulite – the fibrous septae. The exact mechanism for the treatment of moderate to severe cellulite is unknown.

How Do I Know If Qwo Is Right For Me?

Your doctor will determine if you are an appropriate candidate for QWO.

Are There Side Effects of Qwo?

Some side effects of Qwo include: allergic (hypersensitivity) reactions, including anaphylaxis, and injection site bruising.

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