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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
William A. Cox, DC
Chiropractic For Recurring Pain
Allegiance Chiropractic
. http://www.allegiancechiropractic.com

Chiropractic For Recurring Pain

Pain is a great motivator. The physical sensation of pain is your body's way of communicating to you that something is wrong. We all experience pain and discomfort at times but should that pain be ignored in the hopes that it will subside on its own? What if the pain does not resolve or seems to subside then continues to reappear?

Approximately 22 million Americans seek out chiropractic annually to alleviate their symptoms. Chiropractic theory emphasizes the importance of proper alignment and healthy mobility of the body's musculoskeletal system. When restored and properly maintained, healthy musculoskeletal function allows the body to heal itself naturally.

After taking a medical history and performing physical examination, chiropractors are able to identify areas of the musculoskeletal system that require treatment. Once identified, a chiropractor will utilize a series of gentle hands-on manipulations in order to restore mobility of these areas.

Today's chiropractor also utilizes various other treatment methods to manage a patient's pain and help speed recovery. Physical therapy modalities such as electric stimulation, ultrasound, therapeutic exercise, and soft tissue mobilization are just a few of the other supportive therapies employed in a chiropractic clinic.

Just as everyone responds differently to traditional medical care, chiropractic patient experience varies from person to person. In other words, some respond quicker than others. Many chiropractic patients choose to continue care on a long-term basis once their initial symptoms have subsided. This is a wise practice considering that our bodies are subjected to continual stress and pain does not have to be present for there to be a problem in joint function.

Are you listening to what your body is telling you? If you have some recurrent pain or nagging injury, chiropractic may just be the solution. You may be able to avoid taking a slew of medication, enduring painful injections, or undergoing surgery if you give chiropractic care a chance.

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