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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
John V. DeMaio, DC, CCN
Chiropractic Slope Safety
DeMaio Family Chiropractic
. https://www.demaiochiro.com/

Chiropractic Slope Safety

Did you know chiropractors are available for Olympic skiers and snowboarders during winter Olympics as part of medical services provided to the athletes?

Chiropractic care has shown to improve skiers and snowboarders' performance on the mountain. Accidents, crashes and near misses have a wear and tear on the body that strength and flexibility can help overcome, but sometimes when these incidents happen, it can throw the body out of alignment.

Chiropractic work is not just for injury or strain; fatigue, soreness and discomfort after a long day or weekend on the mountain can be eased and relieved.

Skiing can be one of the more exhilarating activities you can do. It's also an activity that can be tough on your body. Fortunately, most skiers tend to be active people who maintain a certain level of fitness year round and that's a great benefit when you hit the slopes. Even if you stay fit most of the year, you should prepare your “skiing muscles” prior to hitting the slopes.

If you are not regularly exercising, start a gentle exercise program 3-6 weeks before going skiing.

Pre-Ski Fitness Tips

Do squats to build up your glutes to help take pressure off your knees and joints. Start with 10-15 per day, and build up until you can do three sets of 15 with a minute rest between sets.

Walk up an incline 30 minutes, five times a week at a good pace.

Strengthen your core with sit-ups.

Use a wobble board to improve balance and build up ankle muscles. Rocking heel to toe is good for snowboarders and left to right is best for skiers.

Some Final Tips

Make sure you tune up your gear as well as your body before you head out.

Wear a helmet and make sure it fits properly.

Don't ski above your ability.

To avoid skier thumb and wrist injuries, try not to break your fall with your hands and do not use wrist straps and release your poles when falling.

Beware of day three after three days of skiing using unaccustomed muscles, skiers become confident but are physically tired, and their capability isn't necessarily matched to their confidence.

If you have a sports injury, seek treatment as soon as possible. Early intervention is key to ensuring a quick recovery. If you injure yourself or are not as active as you wish, call your chiropractor and schedule a consultation today.

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