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Hyung Sik Byeon, MSOM, LAc
Herbal Medication For Weight Management
Virginia University of Oriental Medicine
. http://www.vuom.org/

Herbal Medication For Weight Management

In our last article, Types of Obesity in Oriental Medicine, I introduced the basic information about the six types of obesity. They were, Qi deficiency of the spleen type, yang deficiency type, retention of food type, blood stasis type, phelgm type and stress type.

For each type, there are different herbal formulas, each consisting of five to ten herbs. Rather than going into detail on each formula, I will be introducing the most frequently used herbs for the weight management programs in Oriental medicine.

Coicis Semen
(Adley Or Job's Tears)

This herb is known to facilitate the resolution of dampness and strengthen the spleen. In other words, this herb is excellent in excreting body waste and fat by urination. Also it suppresses appetite and regulates glucose levels to prevent fat tissue to accumulate. This herb is the most commonly used herb for weight management in Oriental medicine, apart from ephedrae herba which is banned to use in the U.S.

Rehmanniae Radix Preparata (Cooked Rehmannia Root)

This herb is known to “tonify” the blood, enrich the yin, generate the essence and augment the marrow. In other words, this herb is used mainly to energize a weakened fatigued body and revitalize it. During a weight loss program, people easily get tired or get weak because of a low calorie diet. This herb helps build up stamina during this period and also takes care of hunger, preventing to eat too much. This herb is an essential herb to prescribe, if you want to be successful with your weight loss program in the long run.

Trichosanthis Radix (Trichosanthes Root)

This herb is known to drain heat and generate fluids. In other words, it takes care of dryness of your body, bad breath and general thirst, the main signs you have during a long period of a weight loss program. That is why it is used for diabetes as well.

Dioscoreae Rhizoma (Chinese Yam)

This herb is known to tonifiy the qi and yin of the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. In other words, this herb is used to lower the amount you eat, increase your immune system and strengthen your muscles during the period of a weight loss program.

Gastrodiae Rhizoma

This herb is known to calm the liver with gentle nourishment and extinguish the wind. In other words, this herb is excellent in reducing dizziness or headaches. During a typical weight loss program, due to a low calorie diet, one feels fatigue, dizziness and has frequent headaches. This is when this herb is used.

In Oriental medicine, the adequate amount of each herb to form a formula is very important. Unlike a system where you use the same prescription for any person, adjusting the ingredients to make a formula just suited for each individual is important. This gives us a better chance to treat and manage an individual more successfully, hence we call it, the beauty of Oriental medicine.

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