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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jennifer Robin Musiol, C-RNP
Fit Into Your Holiday Clothes: Easy Weight Loss With Epigenetics
Hormone Consulting with Jennifer Musiol
. https://www.epigeneticconsult.com

Fit Into Your Holiday Clothes: Easy Weight Loss With Epigenetics

Tired of trying to lose weight? Do an epigenetic test to find out, once and for all, what you need to do to lose weight. 

Kim, a 54-year-old physician lost 30 pounds in four months after she listened to the results of her epigenetic test. “I can now see why I have struggled so much. Now I am less hungry, and the weight is naturally coming off at about a pound a week.”

A simple epigenetic mouth swab test can tell you:

  • The best diet for you (no more guessing)
  • Why you are always hungry
  • Which exercises will help or hinder weight loss
  • How to prevent diabetic weight gain
  • Your salt, gluten, and sugar sensitivity, and more

Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

Epigenetic testing is to provide you with a customized path to your weight loss. Each person has a unique genetic code that can show you what you need, or don’t need, to lose weight. Stop wasting your time and money.

Who Needs This DNA Epigenetic Test?

This simple mouth swab test is for people who:

  • Have made dietary improvements and are not seeing results
  • Have cholesterol or sugar sensitivity issues
  • Are confused about which diet would work best for them
  • Are frustrated by lack of results
  • Want to solve their weight issues once and for all

Genetics Is 60% Of Weight Control

Your unique genetic makeup (from Dad and Mom) defines the biochemical process, which determines the body’s energy utilization and fat stores. Knowing your specific genetic “flaws” identifies what you need to focus on and what won’t help you lose weight.

This mouth swab tests 28 genes and will tell you if:

  • You have a defect in producing Leptin and need a supplement
  • The Atkins diet is not for you
  • If antidepressants are causing your weight gain
  • If green coffee bean extract can help your emotional eating
  • If low-dose naltrexone can help you lose weight, and more. 

The results include a report of 28 weight-loss related genes and whether you have a flaw from your mother, father, or both. Diet, exercise that natural supplements that will help you are suggested. Also, this report includes suggested lab studies you may need. 

Give yourself the gift of a precision plan to lose weight. Stop guessing how to lose weight and find out what you really need.

Turn suffering to joy.

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