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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sherry Dmytrewycz, SEA, SRT
Achieving and Maintaining Optimum Health
Healing Gateway
. http://www.healinggateway.com

Achieving and Maintaining Optimum Health

You are your biggest priority. How well are you taking care of yourself? Don't wait until you are ill to put you at the top of your to-do list. Just as your car or truck needs regular maintenance, so do you. There are many components necessary for your car to function well, including regular tune-ups.

Your body is your vehicle for your personal spiritual growth in this life-time. It needs more than just regular physical care, because you are more than just your physical body. You are a spiritual being in a physical body and your mind affects your spiritual and physical bodies.

Self-care means taking care of not only your physical body, but also your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Energy healing and meditation are two ways to assist your body, mind, and spirit to optimum functioning. Regular energy healing sessions have a cumulative effect. Each session builds on the previous session to improve and maintain your overall health and wellbeing. Meditation provides stress relief and helps alleviate anxiety and worry.

Taking care of yourself is greatly facilitated with regular “tune-ups” in the form of energy healing sessions and meditation. Now is the time to make you and your health a top

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