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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Laura Kucine, RN, OCN
Avoid Colds and Flu – 8 Natural Ways
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Avoid Colds and Flu – 8 Natural Ways

Colder temperatures and dry winter air allow viruses to live longer outside the human body, and clinical trials have proven an association between low vitamin D levels and reduced immunity. A lack of regular sun exposure means that most people’s vitamin D levels drop in winter. Combine that with the longer-living viruses, and it’s no surprise there’s an increase in illness this time of year.

Seasonal stress levels may also play a role: Worrying about holiday preparations, stressing over travel plans, and exposing yourself to unusual bacteria and viruses at holiday events can tax your immune system, leaving you vulnerable.

So what’s the solution? 

1. An intravenous vitamin and mineral infusion, also known as Myer’s Cocktail, can support natural immunity and increase energy. With a combination of calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, and vitamin C, the Myer’s IV may help to boost the immune system and can be helpful in fending off colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, and other infections.

In addition, try these natural immunity boosters:

2. Wash hands thoroughly. Washing your hands regularly and thoroughly is one of the most effective tactics at preventing illness and infection.

3. Breathe out, not in. Have you ever walked by someone right as they let out a huge sneeze or cough, only to find yourself sick shortly thereafter? Gently and slowly breathe out as you walk by. By waiting to inhale until you’re 8-10 feet away, you’ll avoid the heavily contaminated air immediately around them.

4. Increase your vitamin D levels. To boost your immune system, choose a vitamin D supplement that delivers at least 600 and up to 2,000 IU per day. 

5. Reduce stress through massage. Massaging the body increases circulation and brings oxygen to the tissues, encouraging healthy immune response. The de-stressing effects of massage are immune-boosting, too.

6. Sleep on it. Not only does your body repair and renew itself during sleep, research has shown that our bodies need 7-8 hours a night in order to stimulate the immune system’s “natural killer cells,” which allow the body to fight viruses.

7. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. With dry winter air outside and artificially heated air inside, hydration is a major contributor to winter health. Without sufficient moisture, immune cells cannot function properly.

8. Laugh it off. Studies have shown that laughing has similar effects on the body as exercise; both boost immune cell activity, promoting better health overall.

Ready to kick flu and cold season to the curb the natural way? Choose the techniques that best suit your lifestyle and practice them regularly.

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