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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jeanette Coutin, DDS
Benefits Of Massage Therapy
Fontaine de Jeunesse
. http://greatfallsmedspa.com/wordpress/

Benefits Of Massage Therapy

Most people associate massage therapy with relaxation and luxury but did you know that it can help relieve headaches, reduce fatigue, and break down adhesions from inflammation and trauma?

Studies continue to show a variety of ways that massage can help you, and many of them may come as a surprise to you. Whether you're looking for a way to be more efficient at work, look younger, live healthier, or recover from an injury, massage is a viable and affordable option that you should consider.

Physically, massage increases metabolism, hastens healing, relaxes and refreshes muscles, and improves the detoxifying functions of the lymphatic system. Massage helps to prevent and relieve muscle cramps and spasms, and improves circulation of blood and lymph, thereby improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells as it enhances the removal of metabolic wastes. Blood passes three times more rapidly through muscles being massaged than muscles at rest. Passive massage movements nourish the skin, relax and lengthen muscles, and soothe nerves.

Psychologically, massage helps relieve fatigue, reduces tension and anxiety, calms the nervous system, and promotes a sense of relaxation and renewed energy. Even a weekly massage has the power to affect your day-to-day activities in a positive way.

Conditions Generally Relieved By Massage

Stress, tension

Mental and physical fatigue

Muscle soreness and stiffness


Poor circulation

Digestion, assimilation, and elimination difficulties.

Headache, eyestrain

Pain in joints, sprains

High blood pressure

Constrictions and adhesions (traumatized muscle tissue)

Poor joint mobility

There are different modalities (types) of massage therapy. Deep tissue is a specific modality that concentrates on the deeper layers of muscle and fascia in your body. Deep finger pressure and slow, firm strokes are its characteristics and it's recommended by many doctors as a treatment option for a variety of physical ailments. It is primarily useful to reduce pain and injury as well as increase mobility. Deeper pressure techniques can also break up scar tissue and adhesions, which limit flexibility and range of motion.

Beneficial Effects Of Deep Tissue Massage

Causes hyperemia, making more oxygen and nutrients necessary for growth and repair available to the body area being massaged.

Stimulates circulation and lymph drainage to flush out metabolic wastes of exertion quickly. It is three to five times more effective in combating fatigue than resting.

Stretches and broadens muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Breaks down the gluing between facial sheaths.

Can help separate fibrosis and break down adhesions that result from inflammation and trauma.

Helps to realign collagen fiber formed as a result of injury to produce a strong, flexible scar.

Reduces muscle spasms.

Helps to identify possible trouble areas and can help to eliminate them.

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