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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jeff Kucine, DO
Heavy Metal Toxicity
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Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that can accumulate in our bodies due to the foods we eat, environmental pollution, and the personal care and cleaning products we use. The group includes arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, nickel, and others. These elements permeate the earth, our food supply, and our water. There is no way to avoid them completely. 

However, exposure to these elements, even in low concentrations, can be very dangerous because heavy metals replace beneficial minerals such as zinc and iron on a cellular level and cause cells to malfunction. The presence of heavy metals in our bodies can impact cellular respiration and our cells’ ability to reproduce effectively. Even at low levels, they can cause multiple organ damage and DNA damage.

Fat cells often absorb heavy metals, trapping them inside of our bodies. Not only do heavy metals accumulate and linger for decades, but also the side effects from carrying toxic levels of heavy metals can be dire.

Heavy metals affect numerous biological systems, and the symptoms of toxicity range greatly. While some people experience low energy, mood disturbances, and cognitive changes, others may display no symptoms at all for many years. On the inside, though, the body’s major systems are bearing an increasingly heavy load.

As heavy metals reach toxic levels, the effects grow more concerning. Mental abilities may decline, and damage occurs to the central nervous system as well as vital organs including the heart, kidneys, and liver. Heavy metals are considered to be human carcinogens; studies show a correlation of toxicity levels and cancer in both humans and animals.

If exposure continues and the heavy metal load continues to grow, the constant weight of these environmental elements trapped in the body can lead to physical, muscular, and neurological degeneration. For example, mercury is a known neurotoxin that collects in spinal and brain tissue and can cause neurological problems. Lead can negatively impact a child’s developing nervous system, contributing to behavioral and learning disorders.
Chronic fatigue, brain fog, autoimmune diseases, digestive issues, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, and insomnia may be caused or at least worsened by too many heavy metals.

Because the symptoms of aging often mimic those of heavy metal poisoning – less stamina, memory loss, aches and pains – many older adults may mistake their symptoms as a natural part of the aging process. While growing older may be partially to blame, heavy metals are often a contributor. At its worst, heavy metal toxicity can resemble Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or multiple sclerosis.

If you suspect you may be suffering from heavy metal toxicity, a urine analysis can help determine toxicity levels in your body. The human body is remarkably resilient, and the sooner heavy metal toxicity is addressed, the sooner the body’s systems can begin to recover.

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