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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Uma Alexandra Beepat
Is Life Coaching For Me?
The Lotus and The Light Metaphysical Center
. https://thelotusandthelight.com/

Is Life Coaching For Me?

Sometimes in life we need a little help getting from where we are to where we want to be and no matter how much we love our friends and family, they just can't get us there. That's where a life coach comes in. A life coach will be

A sounding board when exploring choices

A motivational mentor

A wake up call and a reality check in

If you are thinking you could probably use a coach now, your next step is to address how you feel about your situation. Is there a deep desire and willingness to want to change? When you are all in, the coach can help because the desire is there to make a change.

Here are some benefits of coaching

Create a balanced life because you designed it. A coach will not tell you what to do, instead they will ask questions and have you think about what you want to do.

Help you to “push the envelope”. Your coach will nudge you out of your comfort zone without having you feel overwhelmed by the process.

Help you make better decisions. Now that your focus is defined and clear, you can see things clearly and know what you need to do.

Help clear up unresolved issues. With a coach we start to see the situation as it is and we resolve it for ourselves.

One of the best parts of coaching isaccountability. A coach will hold you accountable for any steps planned.This is where our friends and loved ones can't go. They sympathize with us, they understand when we don't have energy to do our homework because the kids were sick or you need to make dinner. Not a coach. A coach will emphasize with you but they will not join you in your excuses.

If you have never had a coaching session, try one today. You might surprise yourself how quickly changes happen and how freeing the process can be.

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