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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Pain, Yoga and Your Senses
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Pain, Yoga and Your Senses

The sense of sight can, in a round about way, cause hurt (pain). For instance, we can see a friend's significant other with the opposite sex looking like they are doing something that we interpret as not acceptable, such as having lunch, or dinner, a gentle touch or even a kiss. We may misinterpret what we see and tell that friend what we thought we saw, and that person may tell their significant other. Because of the misinterpretation you have caused two people pain. Your pain comes when your friend and their significant other exclude you from their life, not wanting you around anymore because of the pain you caused.

Hearing is another one of our senses that can cause hurt/pain. Hearing something that was not meant for our ears, or misunderstanding what was said to us even if it was a long time ago, can cause pain. Hearing something that was meant for our own good, and not taking heed, can cause pain.

Taste can sometimes cause pain when we overindulge in eating, because the food smells so good. When we are not willing to control our senses, we become gluttons.

Touch/pleasure can cause pain too. Too much stimulation from drugs, sex, and alcohol can cause pain. When we overindulge in the things that give us temporary pleasure, it causes us to mis-use our sense of balance. When the body and mind is thrown out of balance the body becomes ill.

Think positive, pray and meditate. Speak kind words to yourself and others.

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