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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Tom Hyland Robertson, DC
Why Does the Pain Come Back?
Whole Chiropractic Healthcare
. http://wholechiro.com

Why Does the Pain Come Back?

Do you have a “bad back” that goes out a couple of times a year? Maybe you know someone with chronic sinus headaches. Or maybe your best friend “always carries tension” in her shoulders? It's possible that the symptoms' root causes were never addressed.

Most of us don't take into account hours spent at a computer, long commutes, or years sleeping twisted like a contortionist. Over the years, it's become clear that my patients' posture habits and other daily activities add up and contribute to their chronic pain. I can't stress enough how we need to change these things to improve their long-term health and keep them pain-free. Joint adjustments alone won't solve the problem we need to work with the muscles, too.

When we forget about maintaining proper alignment as we go about daily activities, we end up with hunched shoulders, a slumped lower back, and sometimes even “turkey neck.” (You know that last one when you see it, and unfortunately it's often accompanied by pain and stiffness!) I work with patients to address the answers to some key questions. You can ask yourself the same questions and gain great insight into your own aches and pains

Have you ever sprained or twisted your ankle or injured the legs/feet? Any surgeries in these areas? Feet and ankles are the foundation for the rest of your body, so they must function optimally.

How long is your commute?

How many hours a day are you behind a desk? With a laptop or desktop? How many hours on your feet?

Do you sleep on your stomach? Or with your arm/shoulder under your head?

Chiropractors are musculoskeletal specialists who can do a lot to relieve pain and rehabilitate many chronic problems. But patients are only in our offices for a fraction of their time. To correct underlying causes of long-term pain and dysfunction, you'll have to put in some effort, too our lifestyles cause most of us to hold the same postures for too long, and we don't stretch enough to counteract the improper alignment into which our activities force us.

Your chiropractor or physical therapist can help with appropriate stretching, and even perform assisted stretching. Once you know which stretches are best for you, look for a functionally oriented fitness class to maintain your gains. Pilates, tai chi, and some yoga fit the bill and will get your muscles moving as they should.

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