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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Domenica Rubino, MD
Compression Garments Help You Stay Active
Washington Center for Weight Management
. https://www.wtmgmt.com/

Compression Garments Help You Stay Active

Physical Activity and Weight Management

Think of physical activity, what do you imagine? Perhaps it’s a treadmill, a swimming pool or even your personal trainer. Whilst such planned exercise is correct, physical activity also includes everyday tasks such as walking to work, climbing stairs, gardening and even household chores.

Increased physical activity and managing one’s weight reduces the risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It also has a positive effect on mood, self-esteem and cardiovascular fitness according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

Studies have shown that people with higher body mass index (BMI) have higher risks of several types of cardiovascular disease and having excess weight can also lead to joint wear and tear, reduced exercise capacity and higher rate of chronic disease.

Compression Garments

Compression garments are clothing that fit tightly around the skin and provide support for many reasons including physical activity. They are typically available as ready-made items in pre-determined sizes.

While ready-made garments may suit some, people with overweight or obesity and unique body types may find it hard to not only find a garment that fits well but that can also be adjusted as weight is lost. Without the right fit, compression garments can become uncomfortable, reduce mobility, reduce quality of life and potentially lead to health problems including tissue necrosis or pressure damage. With the right fit, compression garments can support an active lifestyle and help improve quality of life.

How Can Compression Garments Contribute To Being Active?

Studies have shown:

Wearing compression garments can improve a patient’s ability to perform and recover from exercise

Compression improves blood flow to the muscles, improving recovery after exercise and reduces post exercise soreness

Oxygen utilization, pulse oxygen and deoxyhemoglobin concentrations are improved by compression resulting in decreased heart rate and improved venous blood flow

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