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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Nancy J. Miller-Ihli, PhD
Customized Weight Loss
Savvy Selections
. http://www.savvyselections.com/

Customized Weight Loss

Approximately 67% of Americans are considered overweight or obese. Unfortunately we have an obesity epidemic in the U.S. I know that because while serving as USDA's National Program Leader for Nutrition for the U.S. I wrote a paper on obesity for the White House almost a decade ago and nothing has improved. Being overweight can present numerous challenges for an individual including serious health concerns including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and decreased mobility. Doctors tell people they need to lose weight but seldom explain how to do it. Here are some tips to help you find the right approach to be successful with weight loss.

Customized Lifestyle Program

People's dietary choices and habits reflect the fact that we all have different personalities, likes and dislikes. The program you select needs to work with your lifestyle or you won't stick with it. Gaining and losing is not the goal so you want to make a permanent lifestyle change. You need to identify a program that allows you to lose at the rate you would like and which incorporates food choices and exercise that work for you.

Nutrition Education

Most people eat 3 meals a day but we aren't taught about nutrition or reading labels in school. It's important to gain the necessary education to understand why you need to exercise and eat healthy and how to do that. Low glycemic impact eating (which stabilizes your blood sugar levels) can increase energy, decrease cardiovascular risk, better manage or help you avoid diabetes and a wonderful side effect is you take up less space. Most people are focused on losing weight but what is most important is losing fat!

Coaching Support

In general, people don't like to be held accountable but working with a coach typically increases people's weight loss by a factor of 2-3x. A good coach realizes people learn differently and are motivated by different things. An ideal program offers audio, video, journal, online and live support.

A comprehensive lifestyle program including healthy eating education, exercise, nutritional support, goal setting and coaching are what will lead to long term success. Are you wondering if there is a program that can work for you? The answer is yes! I've personally lost more than 180 pounds and know you can also set yourself and your family up for a lifetime of success and good health. Be well!

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