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Hearing Professionals
Apps For Your Ears
Hearing Professionals Inc.
. http://www.hearing-professionals.com/

Apps For Your Ears

In the age of stunning technology, people living with hearing loss have many options literally at their fingertips, if they have a smartphone, tablet or laptop to improve their hearing through fun games and exercises.

Here are some of the top apps for both adults and children to improve hearing and keep it sharp

Apps For Adults

CLIX from Advanced Bionics Advanced Bionics recently announced a new suite of apps for hearing rehabilitation for cochlear implant and hearing aid wearers. CLIX is the first developed, and it helps adults practice listening for word differences in both noisy and quiet environments.

Play It Down Play It Down is a cool free app that does three important things

It plays songs as they would be heard by someone with hearing loss, which is a good way for people without hearing loss to know how things are for others.

It can test your hearing to tell you the “age” of your ears

Play It Down also has a feature that will tell you the decibel level of your surroundings to let you know if the noise is potentially damaging.

LACE Auditory Training programs The LACE programs exercise the brain to comprehend speech better in difficult listening situations, like when talking with rapid speakers, in group environments and in noisy restaurants.

Forbrain When using Forbrain, an individual wears a bone-conduction headphone with a dynamic filter microphone to help the user focus and work on his or her own voice and the most pertinent sounds. Read a text out loud or speak to another person and your own voice stimulates your brain.

Happy-neuron.com This site has brain games to improve your attention and keep you cognitively fit. Try the games specifically focused on sound to give your brain and ears a workout.

Apps and Games For Kids

Angel Sound from TigerSpeech Technology Angel Sound is a free, computer-based interactive listening rehabilitation program for children with hearing loss, those who use hearing aids or cochlear implants or children with auditory processing disorders. Angel Sound uses bright, fun characters and automatically adjusts to children's developing skills. It allows them to practice identifying and discriminating between sounds.

Category Carousel In Category Carousel, children touch the picture, hear the word and then sort it by dragging it to a category. This helps language development and encourages children to think about words in various ways.

Simon Says This app allows children to practice their listening and concentration skills. It uses stimulating images and helps children with hearing loss be exposed to and differentiate sounds.

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