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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Gary Mendelson, AuD
The Consequences Of Untreated Hearing Loss
The Mendelson Group
. https://www.iheargreat.com/

The Consequences Of Untreated Hearing Loss

You are probably the best judge of whether or not your hearing has declined. Your hearing should be checked if you experience more than a couple of the following

Have trouble hearing on the telephone

Turn one ear towards a speaker to hear better

Frequently ask others to repeat themselves

Make inappropriate responses because you didn't understand the question

Miss essential sounds, including doorbells, alarm clocks, and smoke alarms

Have difficulty understanding speech in noisy places

Frequent exposure to noisy environments

Are tired or stressed from trying to hear

Believe that everybody mumbles

Fail to understand doctors' instructions about medications

Increase television or radio volume to a point that others complain

Find it's easier to understand others when you are looking directly at their faces

Untreated Hearing Loss Has Many Consequences

Living with untreated hearing loss means difficulties in conversations with others, social gatherings, and perhaps lost performance at work. Often it becomes too challenging to keep up with life around you.

You may suffer side effects from hearing loss such as

sadness and depression

worry and anxiety

less social activity

emotional turmoil and insecurity

By not seeking help for your hearing loss, you are missing out on enjoying all that life has to offer.

There Is No Good Reason To Wait

Most people typically disregard their hearing loss for 5-7 years. Putting off the inevitable will just make it harder to rectify the problem. Your brain gets used to not hearing everyday sounds and the longer you live without sounds, the longer it may take for your brain to understand them again. Regular hearing aid use can help maintain your brain's ability to interpret sounds.

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