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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
William A. Cox, DC
Improve Your Mobility This New Year
Allegiance Chiropractic
. http://www.allegiancechiropractic.com

Improve Your Mobility This New Year

With the advent of the New Year, many people have already made their resolutions. One of the most popular resolutions made each year is that of improving one’s health. Whether it be exercising more, eating better or quitting an unhealthy habit, making healthier lifestyle choices are typically atop the list of New Year resolutions.

An important facet of any healthy lifestyle should involve improving mobility of the body. This is the focus of chiropractic. As time has passed, more and more people have sought out doctors of chiropractic to help rid them of both acute and chronic pain conditions. And this trend continues to increase as the field of chiropractic gains more recognition and credit for its effectiveness.

Chiropractic’s main focus is on mobility. Our bodies have evolved in such a way as to allow for movement through space in the most energy efficient way. Unfortunately, as a function of living on a planet with gravity, there is constant stress on our joints. With the accumulation of this stress over time, our bodies become bogged down and the joints become more restricted in their ranges of motion.

As restriction in the joints grow, that innate efficiency of movement begins to decline. With time, there is a cascade of health problems that may ensue. Degeneration of joints and soft tissue (muscles, tendons and ligaments, for example) will become more prevalent.

To put it simply, stresses to the body over time will impede the mechanics of the body, therefore injuring the structures of the body.

In order to counteract this injurious domino effect, chiropractors try to find which regions of a patient’s body are under the most stress. They locate which joints and tissues are not operating correctly. Then, through a series of joint mobilizations and soft tissue manipulations, chiropractors are able to improve the functions of the affected region. Basically, chiropractors identify what is not moving properly and then restore the natural range of motion. When range of motion or mobility is restored, stress to the area is lessened and the body is able to heal and work more efficiently.

Chiropractic care should be part of everyone’s healthy lifestyle choices. If you’ve made the commitment to live healthier, whether you are presently in pain or not, routine chiropractic care is a fantastic addition to your resolution.

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