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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Ben Glass, Esquire
Are All Insurance Companies Evil?
Benjamin W. Glass and Associates
. https://www.benglasslaw.com/

Are All Insurance Companies Evil?

The short answer is no, of course not, even though it certainly can feel that way. No doubt that buying and paying for car insurance mostly feels like a chore. You rarely feel like a winner when you actually have to use it. Car insurance adjusters can be abrasive at times, and sometimes outright rude. This can all be exacerbated by the stress of an injury and a broken car neither of which you asked for or wanted. So why, when you're the victim, are you being questioned like a criminal by the insurance company?

There are a lot of reasons contributing to the rough tone of insurance adjusters. It can simply be bad customer service or just an adjuster having a bad day. With that said, there could be other reasons for the communication that may be a bit less obvious and a bit more forgivable. Insurance fraud (and the skeptical adjusters it creates) is definitely one of those reasons. Remember that insurance fraud isn't as uncommon a practice as one might wish it would be and the adjuster must approach each claim with the appropriate dose of skepticism. This makes for a wary adjuster, which can come across over the phone when you talk with him or her.

Also, don't forget that if you were responsible for someone else's injuries, you wouldn't want your insurer paying for frivolous injury claims or exaggerated injuries. Any payment the insurance company makes is ultimately partially passed on to you through your insurance premiums. If your insurer isn't exercising due scrutiny, you are paying for that laziness on the back end. The insurance company is always managing both their insured's interest and their obligation to fairly compensate you for the damages done to you. That's a tough job, and they don't always get it right. In fact, sometimes they get it very wrong. If you feel they aren't treating you fairly, it may be appropriate to seek the advice of a competent attorney.

Keep in mind that the insurance companies don't know you and they certainly don't know your character. It's a darned good thing they don't take everyone at their word or we would all pay for it. So it's a possibility that while they might come across a bit crass, they're just doing due diligence.

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