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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
E. Taylor Meiser, DDS, PA
Mini Dental Implants
Lighthouse Family Dentistry
. http://lighthousefamilydentistry.com/

Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants have revolutionized dentistry with the introduction of a minimally invasive treatment plan for denture stabilization. These small-diameter implants (around 2mm diameter) enable your dentist to broaden the spectrum of patients who can be treated.

Mini Dental Implants were developed to provide greater denture stability for you when you

can't withstand the rigors of conventional implant surgery,

don't have enough bone to allow for full-sized implants to be placed, or

are seeking an option with a lower cost than traditional implant treatment.

Mini Dental Implants consists of a miniature titanium alloy implant that acts like the root of your tooth and a retaining fixture that is incorporated into the base of your denture.

The head of the implant is shaped like a ball, and the retaining fixture acts like a socket with a rubber O-ring. The O-ring snaps over the ball when the denture is seated and holds the denture firmly in place. When seated, the denture gently rests on the gum tissue. The implant fixtures allow for micro-mobility while withstanding natural lifting forces.

Placement of the implants can usually be done during a two-hour appointment in your dentist's office with local anesthesia.

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