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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Andrew M. Sklar, DDS
Powerful Antioxidant Coenzyme Q10
Andrew M. Sklar, DDS, PC

Powerful Antioxidant Coenzyme Q10

The medical and research community is always searching for new ways to improve health, and with greater understanding or how the body works, we can all benefit from the research.

One area that continually gets a lot of attention is the effect of antioxidants on overall health and aging.

One compound is such a powerful antioxidant that its usage by medical and dental professionals has become more widespread. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is most famous for its role in the heart, and other organs that require a lot of energy, because of it's role in producing ATP in the mitochondria, also known as the “powerhouse” of the cells, which means CoQ10 helps every single cell in the body to function. Without adequate amounts of CoQ10 we would literally die within minutes.

The body produces CoQ10 naturally, but as we age, the amount the human body produces gradually decreases. In addition, many medications effectively lower the amount of CoQ10 in the body. Most people would be surprised to know that their statin/cholesterol drugs, blood pressure medications, beta-blockers and some diabetes medications lower their natural supply of CoQ10.

This enzyme is being continually studied because of the possibilities that it improves angina pectoris, arrhythmias, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and gum diseases. Leading research institutions have tried to temper the excitement until further studies are complete, but it may also be a great supplement to take if you have suffered a stroke because it can speed recovery and reduce damage. It may also make the body run more efficiently so your general health improves, which may help your doctor reduce other medications you are taking.

You can find CoQ10 in many foods, including, organ meats like kidney, heart, and liver, rainbow trout, sardines, mackerel, spinach, broccoli, peanuts, pistachios, and sesame seeds but it is hard to get enough of what we need from foods alone. We need 30 to 50mg one to two times a day. If you take medications that deplete CoQ10 you need 50 to 100mg 1-2 times a day. Some studies show that a dry powdered capsule form is not as bio-available as is capsules that suspend it in oil, or isotonic forms or in a chewable form.

In conclusion, supplementation with CoQ10 may increase your energy, improve your overall health, including periodontal health, and reduce the side effects you may get from beta-blockers, statin/cholesterol drugs and can protect your brain, liver and heart.

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