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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
James Wagner, DC
Strategies To Help You Slim Down
. http://mdweightlossdoc.com

Strategies To Help You Slim Down

Want to lose weight, but feel as though you’ve already tried every trick in the book? It’s time to take a different approach to dieting.

1. Change the way you describe your goals. Call it whatever you want, but don’t call what you’re doing a “diet.” Diets have a beginning and an end – and that’s the problem. You will only succeed, when you make a lifelong commitment to a healthier lifestyle and following a good program that works.

2. Make your weight loss goals meaningful. Shift your focus from “I want to fit into those jeans”, though there’s nothing wrong with that, to “I want to feel good and have more energy.”

3. Break up with things that don’t work. How do you handle social situations where food is a focus? Pay more attention to the people at a party and not so much on the food. Eat something filling…and drink a lot of good water.

Consider what you’ve done in the past to try to lose weight. What you could do differently this time?

For example, if your downfalls were snacking at work and waiting until the end of the day to exercise, start packing a healthy snack to take with you each day and go for a run/walk first thing in the morning before the day’s demands get in the way of your good intentions.

4. Make it easier on yourself. Set yourself up for “success” with some small tweaks, starting at home.

Do things that will help, not hinder, your weight loss. If you want to make that early-morning walk happen, lay out your clothes before going to bed. Want to get in the habit of snacking on fruit, not chips? Put a bowl of fresh apples or pears on your kitchen table or counter. Let them age, then eat them. If it’s convenient, it’s more likely to happen.

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