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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Supreet Sohi, LME
Sub-Zero Body Toning
Skin Sutra Medspa & Cosmetic Center
. http://skinsutramedspa.com/

Sub-Zero Body Toning

The latest in advanced technology from Paris, Cryoskin, applies sub-zero temperatures for slimming and toning during non-invasive sessions. Cryoskin works with your body's natural systems to produce slimming and toning effects.

These non-invasive sessions result in slimmer, toned bodies and the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles.

CryoSlimming helps lose inches in minutes. The 28-minute slimming treatment begins with 4 minutes of heat at 40C, then 24 minutes of cold at -8C, divided evenly across the specific areas that are being addressed in each session. This treatment results in natural fat loss for a slimmer physique.

CryoToning helps diminish the appearance of cellulite and fine lines and wrinkles. The 20-minute treatment applies only cold therapy at -2C, causing local microcirculation to improve the area. This boosts the production of collagen, which reduces cellulite; tones the area; improves skin elasticity; and reduces pore size.

These two treatments are safe and painless alternatives to traditional surgical and body sculpting procedures.

In a sample of 100 individuals that underwent these treatments, the average fat loss in the treated areas was 38%. Cryoslimming provides benefits without any lasting side effects or discomfort. About 88% of people surveyed found the sessions to be comfortable and relaxing.

The sessions are quick and convenient; they last between 20-30 minutes, and with no recovery time. What a great fit to work around your lifestyle and schedules.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130