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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Albert Garney, CPO
The Myoelectric Hand
Prince William Orthotics & Prosthetics

The Myoelectric Hand

Finding the perfect prosthetic limb is a very personal journey for anyone who is missing a limb because of the uniqueness of each limb that is in need of a prosthetic replacement. i-limb digits is a fully customizable electronic prosthesis for people with missing fingers or partial hands. They are a mechanical wonder where each finger is powered by its own motor and thus able to move independently. The digits work with remaining fingers to provide the functionality of a natural hand.

Electrode wires are applied to the patient as the virtual limb is synced to a computer. The patient can then practice using different myoelectric hand models virtually. At the same time, the occupational therapist can test to see whether the patient has the functionality to be a candidate for a myoelectric hand or digits. Virtually, the patient can utilize the virtual limb to determine which of three hands, four control modes, and 24 grasp options they would like. The technology allows for much more access to the myoelectric hand as it does not require the acquisition of an actual myoelectric hand or digits for testing.

As part of the fitting process, an impression of the patient's residual limb is taken and a rough trial socket was made. This check socket is worn by the patient and used to check digit positioning. The doctor then works with an occupational therapist to adjust the digits by position or function. Using this multidisciplinary approach, the optimal position for each digit is determined. By the end of the fitting process, a highly individualized digits solution is made.

PWOP is the only independent prosthetic company in Northern Virginia trained on the myoelectric hand. Call your local Prosthetist to see if i-limb digits is the right prosthetic solution for you.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130