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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Neti and Yoga
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Neti and Yoga

Neti (nasal cleansing) is a regular part of a Yogi's daily hygiene practice. Nasal cleansing can be done with the use of a neti pot. A neti pot looks like a little tea pot with a spout that is used to pour water through the nostrils when the sinuses are blocked. Or you can cup the hand to hold a salt base water solution while inhaling the water up through the nostrils.

I know what you are thinking; you are saying to yourself, “I am not going to sniff anything up my nose.” Well believe me, if your nasal passage is blocked from mucus you don't have to worry about anything going up your nose. Your nose will be happy to have relief. The salt solution breaks up the mucus and clumps of mucus will happily come out of your nose. A daily nasal cleaning helps to keep the passage way open and it also helps to relieve your nose of the toxins and debris.

Neti is used in detoxification, weight reduction and rejuvenation. Nasal cleaning can help with detox therapies and improve the effects. Nasal cleaning is a means of improving our energy, circulation and digestion. Neti can help cut down the accumulation of excess weight and toxins in our bodies. With the use of neti, breathing is improved and our energy is heightened, enabling us to live longer.

Pranayama (breathing) is most effective because the passage ways are open. When the passageways are open we can breathe better and as a result psychological blockages are alleviated that hamper the quality of our lives.

If you suffer from any of the following conditions; nasal polyps, colds, flu, swollen glands, sinus allergies, asthma, headaches, poor digestion, constipation, obesity, acne, arthritis, heart disease, insomnia, weak immune function, chronic fatigue, nervous system disorders, psychological disorders, depression and/or anxiety, before taking a pill (which will more than likely have a side effect), or using an inhalant, consider cleaning your nose on a regular basis.

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