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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Anne M. Rensberger, LICSW
Weight Loss -" What Works?

Weight Loss -" What Works?

1. You have to burn more calories than you eat that is the key to weight loss. Some genetically gifted people have a higher resting metabolic rate than you probably do. But you can do some things to raise your metabolism. Try these.
a) Engage in 30 minutes of aerobic activity 4-5 times a week.
b) Do strength train three times a week.
c) Don't wait more than 5 hours between meals
d) Eat breakfast something nutritious, low in calories and fat, and high in fiber.
2. Get your sleep. Failing to get enough sleep has an impact on appetite regulating hormones thus increasing appetite.
3. Chose a weight-loss plan. High protein/low carbohydrate diets burn slightly more calories for energy, plus protein tends to fill you up. However, the majority of weight loss is explained by how many calories you consume paired with how much you exercise. So if high protein isn't for you, as long as your diet is balanced nutritionally you will do fine on any diet.
4. Figure out how much weight you want to lose per week. A rough formula for losing a pound a week is
Your weight (—–) x 10 = (———) minus 500 = (———), which is the number of calories you can eat each day. For example if you weigh 200 pounds 200 x 10 = 2,000 – 500 = 1,500 calories per day to lose a pound. Do not go below 1,200 calories per day even if the formula suggests you should. If you want to eat a little more, exercise. If you want to lose a little faster, exercise but hold your calories to 1,500 per day.
5. Keep a journal of everything you eat, your exercise, as well as your moods and comments on the day. If you do this faithfully you will become accountable to yourself and you learn a great deal about things like “red flag” situations, what low calorie meals or snacks really fill you up, and what foods you can't stop eating.
6. Be persistent but not perfectionistic. Don't wait for a “good” time to start your diet. Life is full of unexpected things, so just start. If you go off your weight management plan, just regroup and get back on. Don't berate yourself, but learn from your mistakes. If you keep getting back on your program over time you will reach your goal.
7. Get some help. There are many excellent weight loss programs out there. But, if you need a little one-on-one help, you may want to consider a personal weight management coach.
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