Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Pain and Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a very useful tool to use in alleviating or diminishing pain in the body by at least 50% to not having pain at… Continue Reading

Improve Heart and Memory Health Naturally

As we age, our bodies cannot always withstand the side effects that so often come with the use of medications. Wellness can be covered by… Continue Reading

Hypnosis For Pain Relief

Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical assistance. Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists longer than three to… Continue Reading

Lions and Tigers Don’t Exercise, They Move

Moshe Feldenkrais said that. It’s a good statement, full of vigor and beauty. He liked it, and probably said it more than once. He might… Continue Reading

Stressed? Why Not Try Something New?

If you’re experiencing chronic stress, you may be experiencing irritability, anxiety, depression, or insomnia. Stress produces physical and emotional symptoms. Over time, chronic stress can… Continue Reading

Is Your Body Attacking Itself?

Auto immune diseases happen when a part of the body’s immune system begins to attack the body itself. Any of our body’s tissues and organs… Continue Reading

Feldenkrais: An Intriguing Kind Of Exercise

Are you resolved in 2021 to get more exercise? If so, good for you. Many of us have the same goal. And, what will you… Continue Reading

Improve Your Life With Massage Therapy

The history of massage dates back over 5000 years. Throughout history it has been one of the tools people use to relieve pain and prevent and… Continue Reading

Improve Digestive and Reproductive Health: New, Yet Ancient Methods

Many of us – men and women alike – suffer from dysfunction related to our abdominal health, whether that be from sub-clinical gastrointestinal discomfort or… Continue Reading

Aches and Pains? Think Outside the Box

Have you been experiencing aches and pains that haven’t gone away? Are you dealing with problems such as bursitis, torn rotator cuff, back, hip, or… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130