Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Why Are College Students Cavity Prone?

College is a time for new experiences, new friends, and unfortunately new cavities. A diet high in sugar combined with changes in personal hygiene cause… Continue Reading

Whiten Up Your Smile This Year

The New Year is a time for parties and other gatherings where you will want to look your best, and the first thing people notice… Continue Reading

Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from defects in insulin secretion by the pancreas, or action,… Continue Reading

A New Smile In the New Year With Invisalign

Start your new year with a new healthy smile and gums. Using Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without interfering with your day-to-day life. Invisalign… Continue Reading

A Perfect Smile Fast

Achieving a beautiful smile used to take forever, or so it seemed. Any adult who wore braces as a teen knew that inevitably their senior… Continue Reading

Normal Breathing To Snoring To Sleep Apnea

Sleep related breathing disorders form a continuum ranging from benign snoring and upper airway resistance syndrome to severe obstructive sleep apnea. Apnea is defined as… Continue Reading

Dental Crowns

A crown is a prefabricated tooth shaped cover that is permanently cemented to the tooth. It is the best alternative to restore a damaged tooth…. Continue Reading

Temporary Solutions For Dental Emergencies

It is important to have routine dental hygiene care and a dental exam at least every six months. It is also valuable to select a… Continue Reading

Tooth Decay- It's Not Just Bad For Your Tooth

The most common question many dentists get asked by their patients, young and old, is “Doctor do I have any cavities?” You might be surprised… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea and Snoring Are They From Impaired Oral Function?

Snoring comes from limited airflow, causing impaired breathing. While most people do not associate dentistry with impaired breathing, this article will demonstrate that dentistry plays… Continue Reading

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