Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Adolescence Impediments To Accessing Mental Health Services

“My 15-year old son loses his cool when is told ‘No’. He sometime takes risks that could result in serious harm to him or others,… Continue Reading

Women’s Health Physical Therapy: Core, Pelvic Floor and More

Women’s health physical therapy focuses on the unique needs of women throughout their life cycle. The school-aged girl who still wets the bed, the young… Continue Reading

Prescription For Aging Beautifully – Secrets to an Age-Defying Diet

Inflammation is at the basis of many age-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, auto immune disease, cancer and wrinkled, sagging skin. The wrong… Continue Reading

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Much too frequently, rheumatologists see patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have unfortunately gone through multiple orthopedic surgical interventions, when all along their underlying disease was… Continue Reading

New Laser Procedure Restores Gynecologic Health

Many women are faced with the need to resolve gynecologic health issues often caused by menopause.  In 2010, there were approximately 64 million postmenapausal women… Continue Reading

Brushing vs. Flossing

To floss or not to floss appears to be an easy question, or is it? Who better to ask than your very own hygienist? While… Continue Reading

You Don’t Need Surgery To Look 10 Years Younger

You Don’t Need Surgery To Look 10 Years Younger Cosmetic procedures have made amazing advances within the last decade. No longer is a nip and… Continue Reading

Stressed Out?

Stress can be a difficult thing to pin down because it is a very individual thing. Whether stress is real or imagined – our brains… Continue Reading

Healing Touch For Mania and Anxiety

It is an anecdotal observation in mental health that the change of seasons brings mood changes to people who have symptoms of bipolar illness. In… Continue Reading

Microneedling For Smoother Skin

As we age our skin loses the support of collagen. Collagen is what makes our skin firm and smooth. Microneedling (aka collagen induction therapy) can… Continue Reading

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