Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea At Home

Sleep apnea is a common and serious condition that often goes undiagnosed. Over 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and without treatment it can… Continue Reading

Healing With Essential Oils Rosewood

This will be the first in a series of articles highlighting the healing powers of essential oils. Feeling anxious, suffering from PMS, need a lift,… Continue Reading

Chinese Medicine and Eastern Nutrition

Nutrition, along with acupuncture, massage, and cultivational exercise is one of the pillars of Chinese medicine. Even thousands of years ago, it was recognized that… Continue Reading

Customized Weight Loss Find Your Fit

Weight loss is challenging because although we often know what we should eat, there are a ton of unhealthy choices available to us every day…. Continue Reading


Known as the master gland, the butterfly-shaped thyroid sits in a notch just below your throat. Its hormones affect many systems and functions, including Metabolism… Continue Reading

Treating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a pain disorder that affects the musculoskeletal and nervous systems in one or more extremities. This condition almost universally… Continue Reading

Gwen Beverly, Non-Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss In Men

Hair systems are commonly referred to as “hair replacement.” Hair grafts, on the other hand, are more accurately called “hair restoration.” What's the difference? Hair… Continue Reading

Why Are You Waiting To Have LASIK?

The #1 comment from patients after LASIK surgery is “I wish I had done this sooner.” If you are like many LASIK patients, you have… Continue Reading

Are You Happy With Your Smile?

A beautiful and healthy smile makes us more attractive, but did you know that smiling can also help you feel better? According to Dr. Mark… Continue Reading

Naturopathic Oncology Can Benefit Every Patient With Cancer

It is a long-held belief within the oncology community that the use of “natural medicines” during conventional cancer treatment is contraindicated. Often, patients are advised… Continue Reading

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