Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Cancer In Older Adults

Older people today are generally both mentally and physically fitter than previous generations, and many retired people enjoy a new lease of life. Being diagnosed… Continue Reading

Acupuncture History In the U.S.

In August of 1982, the Acupuncture Association of Metropolitan Washington was honoring Mr. Philip L. Kaplan at a dinner in Kensington, Maryland. Mr. Kaplan was… Continue Reading

Degenerative Joint Disease

Most people think degeneration of their joints should be expected with age. You hear it all the time, “I turned 50 and everything just started… Continue Reading

Minimally Invasive Surgical Disc Decompression

Traditional discectomy, a surgical procedure performed in the hospital that typically involves a lengthy recovery, is frequently used for the treatment of herniated discs. The… Continue Reading

5 Element Acupuncture and Women's Wellness

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese Medicine that is helpful to a woman's wellness, particularly in the area of reproductive health. Whether it's hormone… Continue Reading

Full Facial Rejuvenation The Liquid Facelift

There comes a time in everyone's life when you look in the mirror and don't recognize your face. Who is that person staring back? The… Continue Reading

Advanced Technology To Improve Your Smile

Research has shown that the number one thing people find attractive in another person is their smile. Also, it's been proven that just by the… Continue Reading

Emotionally Healthy Teen Boys and Anxiety

The word anxious is frequently used to describe teenage boys, but what is anxiety anyway? The Storm Having to deal with multiple classes, time management,… Continue Reading

The Investment Of Orthodontic Care The Return That Lasts a Lifetime

Research supports that a beautiful smile opens doors for career advancement and greater opportunities, paving the way to social acceptance, improved self-esteem and perceived beauty…. Continue Reading

Our Stress The Trigger To Negative Habits

We all are byproducts of our daily habits and routines. Habits can range from running consistently, lifting weights daily and eating nutritious meals daily to… Continue Reading

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