Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Gorgeous Smile, Healthy Gums and Teeth

Every person has dreams and goals they want to achieve and they vary a lot from person to person. Some goals are challenging, and some… Continue Reading

My Raw Juice Health Tonic

I used to think that if I juiced at home that I had to drink gallons of it to get any benefits, but it's just… Continue Reading

Modern Clinical Hypnosis – Part Two

Part Two Would Someone Say Or Do Something Against Their Will Because Of Hypnosis? (In other words, will I cluck like a chicken?) This is… Continue Reading

Karl A. Smith, DDS, MS

Why Should You See a Periodontist?

The truth is over 50% of the population above age 35 has some form of periodontal disease. If you have never had a periodontal evaluation… Continue Reading

Taking Care Of Yourself After an Accident

Many people call a lawyer after they have delayed seeking treatment after an accident. Their reason is usually that they aren't sure about the insurance… Continue Reading

Five More Ways To Keep Your Skin From Drying Out This Winter

Last month I went over hydration, relaxation, bathing, diet and humidifiers. Here are five more ways to keep your skin from drying out in the… Continue Reading

Oxidative Stress Roots Of Chronic Illness and Early Aging

As our body transforms oxygen and food into energy, destructive “oxidation” and “free radicals” may result. Free radicals include destructive compounds, like peroxides, and are… Continue Reading

Ten Steps To Losing Weight For People Who Have Tried Before and Failed

Weight management issues affect people of every age, economic status, race and ethnic background. There are numerous contributors to obesity. For some, being overweight is… Continue Reading

What To Look For In a Nutritional Supplement

Many people think of nutritional supplements as being a staple of alternative and complementary medicine. However, since 2002, the American Medical Association (AMA) has endorsed… Continue Reading

Forehead and Eyelid Rejuvenation

The eyes are often referred to as “the windows to the soul.” In practicality, I frequently have patients come in and complain that they “look… Continue Reading

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