Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

A New Wrinkle Waiting For You

Our skin changes over time, losing its youthful look and giving way to brown spots, wrinkles and laxity. In recent years, there have been a… Continue Reading

4 Deaths, 3 Estate Planning Mistakes

What would you want to leave behind for your family? If your choices were A) a contentious mess, or B) a well-coordinated estate plan, you… Continue Reading

Preparing For The Flu Season – Part 2

The body doesnt recognize good stress from bad stress, but the results are essentially the same muscle tension, poor sleep, more of a tendency to… Continue Reading

Acupuncture An Investment In Our Health

More and more it is becoming evident that we must make an investment in our own health and well-being. This goes well beyond our monthly… Continue Reading

A Twist On Eye Beauty

Keeping your eyes looking beautiful is more than using the best eye cream and having plastic surgery to remove the bags. The simplest thing to… Continue Reading

The Stress Of Job Loss

What is stress? Stress is a threat to our system and it sets off many alarms. Youve heard of the saying “Im stressed out” or… Continue Reading

Hearing in the News

I have a patient who has a profound hearing loss and is a musician. He brought in his musical instrument and wanted me to program… Continue Reading

Hearing Loss Is More Common Than You May Think

Over 36 million American adults have some degree of hearing loss. That is over four times the amount of people who live in New York… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Infertility

With the advances in in-vitro fertilization (IVF), many causes of infertility can be solved such as anovulation, tubule obstruction, or lack of sperm penetration.But, a… Continue Reading

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Symptom Rather Than Diagnosis

Since when does the jaw-tongue-throat relationship change while we are awake? The body must maintain an open airway, or throat, for survival, whether when we… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130