Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Deceptive Disability

There are disability conditions that are readily apparent. A person suffering from a lower spinal condition may walk with a pronounced limp and require a… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Peptic Ulcer Disease

Ulcers are focal areas of deep erosion. They commonly occur in the stomach and in the duodenum. In duodenal ulcers excess gastric acid is necessary… Continue Reading

The Shape You've Always Wanted

Even with regular exercise and a healthy diet, we cannot always create the body we are hoping for. Anyone may have an extra bulge that… Continue Reading

Choosing a Massage Therapist

You've decided that you want to make an appointment for a massage, but you are not sure what to do next. Your first thought should… Continue Reading

Exercising Safely With Osteoporosis

We all have a vision of how we do not want to age stooped over, walking gingerly with a cane or walker, limited mobility leading… Continue Reading

Cap My Front Tooth? Never

“I would never allow the dentist to put a cap (crown) on my front tooth. Never!” This sentiment has been echoed by many of our… Continue Reading

High Blood Pressure, a Silent Killer

According to recent estimates, nearly one in three U.S. adults has high blood pressure, but because there are no symptoms, nearly one-third of these people… Continue Reading

Understanding Occupational Therapy

So often occupational therapists are asked, “What is occupational therapy do you help people find jobs?” This question not only comes from clients and family… Continue Reading

Reshape Your Body With Velashape

Cellulite is probably one of the most aesthetically troubling concerns of women it is estimated 80% of women over the age of 20, regardless of… Continue Reading

Be Kissable Is Bad Breath Ruining Your Love Life?

Bad breath is the bane of many people's lives. Often you don't even know you have it because you can't smell your own breath. That's… Continue Reading

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