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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Shaoqing Zhou, MD
Getting Up At Night To Urinate? It Can Be More Than Just A Nuisance
Anne Arundel Urology
. https://aaurology.com/

Getting Up At Night To Urinate? It Can Be More Than Just A Nuisance

Nocturia is a condition defined by waking up to urinate during sleep. It's a common problem that affects both women and men, old and young. In elderly patients older than 70 years of age, up to 60% of patients void two or more times per night. While on the surface it appears to be more of an annoyance rather than a true medical problem, nocturia can be associated with serious health consequences.

A decrease in the overall quality of life is directly related to the severity of nocturia. All aspects of one's health can be impacted, including eating, moving, sexual activity, depression, etc. When sleep deprivation occurs, it is well known that there is a negative effect on a person's morbidity and mortality. Overall immunity can be impacted as a result, leading to an increased risk for infections and its consequences. Elderly patients are especially at risk for the serious consequences of sleep deprivation, including a significantly higher risk of death. A study has shown that patients who get up more than two times a night to urinate are at higher risk of falls and fractures as well.

The cause of the problem varies widely. From simple explanations like taking in too much fluids at night time, to conditions such as prostate enlargement, excessive urine production, and diminished bladder capacity. A thorough history and interview is necessary at first. It is common that doctors will ask patients to help them obtain more information by performing a “bladder diary”, where the timing and volumes of each bathroom trip is jotted down. This process can be informative for both physician and patients alike, and at times problems like drinking two cups of coffee before sleep, combined with a cocktail and a cup of water become self-apparent. Patients who snore may have an underlying condition of obstructive sleep apnea, leading to excessive urine production at night, and in these cases the presence of one's spouse to fill in the gaps of the history can help immensely. Treatment can consist of behavioral modification, medical therapy, and possible referral for additional workup in non-urologic causes. It is always tailored to the individual.

Regardless of cause, nocturia is a problem that can seem annoying at first, but with much more serious consequences if left untreated.

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