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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
David E. Berman, MD
SmartLipo To Reduce Body Fat
Berman Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Care Center
. http://www.bermancosmeticsurgery.com/

SmartLipo To Reduce Body Fat

SmartLipo® uses a combination of liposuction and laser technology to reduce body fat while tightening loose skin. A high-energy laser fiber is inserted through a small incision allowing the surgeon to melt the fat for easier removal. The heat from the fiber optic laser can also help tighten loose skin and grant the patient a tighter and more youthful appearance.

SmartLipo is not a
weight loss procedure

Common areas to treat are: abdomen, flanks, neck, upper arms, thighs (inner and outer), pubic area, bra fat, and gluteal fold located underneath the buttock (called the “banana roll”)

Any patient who wishes to revise their prior liposuction results

SmartLipo has a faster recovery time and minimal downtime than traditional liposuction, so you can return to work the next day. A consultation appointment can help a patient determine which procedure is the best choice for their desired results.

How Is It Performed?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, usually with oral sedation. This means you will need to have someone drive you. It is usually done in the doctor’s office. If multiple areas are treated, especially if they are larger, sometimes the procedure will be spread over two days with some areas treated one day and then the remaining areas treated in the next day (or several days later depending on the schedule of the patient).

The surgeon numbs the area and makes a very small incision, only 2-3 mm in length for each treatment area. Through this incision, the local anesthetic is infused into the area to numb it. After this, a tiny fiber optic laser fiber is inserted which melts the targeted fat.

The heat from the laser promotes the stimulation of new collagen and causes the skin to tighten. The heat from the device is constantly monitored during the process to ensure that the skin does not overheat and burn. Finally, the liquefied fat is liposuctioned away. The incisions are closed with a single dissolving suture.

Recovery and Downtime

Since SmartLipo is performed while the patient is awake, the recovery and downtime is minimized. Patients can expect some bruising, swelling and mild to moderate discomfort. A compression garment is worn after surgery for five days or longer. You can shower and return to work the very next day.

Patients will experience numbness in the treated areas, which will gradually resolve. Approximately five days after treatment patients can resume full activities including exercise.


Results can sometimes be seen immediately but occasionally can take weeks to be seen.  Patients will continue to improve over six months.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130