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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Winston Issac- Samuel, NSPA
Help Combat Childhood Obesity
Sports Pro Physical Therapy, LLC

Help Combat Childhood Obesity

Recent research shows one out of every three children is now considered overweight or obese, partially due to their sedentary lives. Children spend much of their time watching television, playing video games, or scrolling around on the computer, iPod, etc. While genetics plays a role, it cannot explain the obesity crisis we face.

Believe it or not, children enjoy nutritious foods, but when tempted by the fast-food industry and the attractive commercials and pictures of sugar-filled snacks offered today, they choose the latter. Preventing obesity means adjusting or acclimating children to a healthier lifestyle and certainly portion sizes. Taking all of this into account we can better understand why children are more susceptible to being overweight.

Sit down with your kids and talk about the necessary changes that are needed and the adjustments to their diet. Give them a breakdown of what they need and allow them to make the choices. Planning a nutritious meal for kids by first pre-planning everything that is going to be eaten for the week is a start. For very young children, ages 4-8 cut out pictures of foods, give them paper plates and guide them in making their own meals. Also allow them to create their own meals and choose their contents of their lunch bags from the choices you give them.

Through this they can learn how to prepare meals that are nutritious and healthy.

Children should also be involved in an activity or play a sport whether its basketball, soccer, or just playing outside with other children. Sports provide children an activity while building confidence, responsibility, and the skills to work with others. A child who eats healthy foods and is active, today, will be more likely to make better nutritional and activity choices as adults.

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