Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

What You Should Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants have been around for more than 50 years now. If you have diseased or missing teeth, and your gums and bones are relatively… Continue Reading

Periodontal Disease and Soft Tissue Management

Soft Tissue Management is a non-surgical approach to control periodontal disease. There is no cure for periodontal disease; it can only be managed or controlled…. Continue Reading

Do You Have Loose Fitting Dentures?

Millions of Americans lose teeth due to decay or gum disease every year. Many of these same Americans end up with no teeth at all… Continue Reading

Traumatic Dental Injuries Part One

Have your child visit their general dentist or pediatric dentist for their routine check up and ask about protective mouth guards for sports. If a… Continue Reading

Root Canal Treatment

When people mention “root canal treatment,” many times the first things that come to mind are pain and post-treatment failure. These things are largely in… Continue Reading

Perfect Smile Fast

Achieving a beautiful smile used to take forever, or so it seemed. Any adult who wore braces as a teen knew that inevitably their senior… Continue Reading

Teeth In a Day

Many people in the U.S. are missing some or all of their teeth. Many have been battling decay, periodontal disease and infections for all of… Continue Reading

Gina C. Pham, DDS

How Do Your Child's Teeth Grow?

Newborns do have teeth. In fact, primary teeth, or baby teeth, begin to grow during the embryonic development stage as early as six weeks into… Continue Reading

An Affordable New Smile

Most dentists can help you have a beautiful smile. Dentists today are trained to do a wide variety of cosmetic enhancements from crowns, veneers, bridgework,… Continue Reading

Porcelain Veneers

Today, people are more concerned and aware of their appearance. One of the most important aspects of a human being is their smile. The smile… Continue Reading

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