Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Acupuncture For Migraine

Migraine headache is a symptom of complex periodic headaches, usually temporal and unilateral, often with irritability, nausea, vomiting, blurry vision and photophobia, preceded by the… Continue Reading

Chronic Bronchitis

In general, bronchitis produced by viral infection causes bronchial inflammation, which sets the stage for bronchitis and secondary bacterial infection. Chronic bronchitis is a long-term… Continue Reading

Classic Games Keep Kids Active

With obesity skyrocketing among our young people, attention is turning to ways to reverse the epidemic. Physical activity offers an antidote by providing a way… Continue Reading

Male Urinary Incontinence

Depending on what type of incontinence you have, you and your doctor can work together to find the best way to cope with your lack… Continue Reading

What's In a Building?

I have been working with doctors and healthcare professionals for almost a decade finding space or leasing space. When a doctor is in search of… Continue Reading

Keys To Making 2008 Your Healthiest Year Yet

When I sat down to write this article, I decided that I didn't want to do the same old, repetitive, boring new year's resolution article… Continue Reading

Fast Fixes For the Holidays

Theres no greater feeling than walking into a room knowing that you look and feel your very best. You can hardly turn on the TV… Continue Reading

Advanced Directives Are They For You?

Many people have asked their physicians and attorneys what they can do to avoid a Terry Schiavo-like case arising in their family.The key lesson that… Continue Reading

Make New Year's Resolutions You Can Stick With

Gosh, here we are again at the beginning of a new year. Holidays are over, and now we are performing that annual ritual of looking… Continue Reading

Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) – Part II

In Part II of this series, I will review one of the most common causes of infertility, the tubal factor, along with other conditions such… Continue Reading

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