Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Look Naturally Youthful and Better: With a Multi-Level Makeover

How do we view midlife? If you’re like most baby boomers and Gen Xers, you probably have every expectation that the second half of your… Continue Reading

The 411 On Your Medication History

You have an upcoming appointment with your new psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner. You are hoping to be placed on good medication regimen to help… Continue Reading

Permanently Destroy Your Stubborn Fat

One in every three women say they have considered more lengths than changing their diet and increasing their exercise in order to rid themselves of… Continue Reading

Plantar Fasciitis

It seems as if chiropractic and acupuncture practices are getting more patients who are experiencing foot symptoms. Patients during this increase typically come in for… Continue Reading

Broken Or Missing Teeth? Bridges vs. Implants

Broken or missing teeth cause many people to visit their local dental offices looking for solutions.  They discover the causes being from teeth grinding/clenching, accidents,… Continue Reading

4 Tips Sleeping Tips For Your Baby

“What should be done eventually, must be done immediately.” This was a quote from a college athletics administrator about why he was firing a football… Continue Reading

New Year…New You: How Hormone Replenishment Can Help

“I feel like I’ve gotten my life back,” says Sherri W., bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) patient, who had suffered with insomnia, irritability, and other… Continue Reading

New Year, New You?

How many of us vow at the start of each new year that we will get healthy – eat better, exercise more, quit smoking and… Continue Reading

How Muscle Imbalances Lead To Pain and Injury

A muscle imbalance is simply when one muscle or muscle group is stronger than another. For example, your right arm may be stronger than your… Continue Reading

New Year, New You? Ten Steps That Really Work

Got your New Year’s resolutions yet? New year, new you? *Cue the eye rolling* The biggest problem with plans for a new you? The old you…. Continue Reading

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