Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Picosure Laser

The Picosure laser by Cynosure is another breakthrough technology now available. It fires 1,000 times faster than any other laser on the market. This has… Continue Reading

Breast Reconstruction Options Beyond Implants

Breast cancer remains one of the most common cancers affecting women today. With many different options available for treating breast cancer, plastic surgeons must tailor… Continue Reading

I Am Not Crazy I Am Just Overwhelmed

This is a typical answer when friends or family members try to get professional help for their loved ones who complain about emotional problems. However,… Continue Reading

Straight Talk The Best Time For Braces

Is your child starting to lose baby teeth? If so, you might want to shift your focus from playing the tooth fairy to researching orthodontists…. Continue Reading

Depression and Infertility

Women in today's world have reaped the benefits of the outcomes of the women's liberation movement. Today's women have the opportunity to develop their careers… Continue Reading

Gregory Cardinal, DPM, MS

Laser Your Fungal Toenails

As we head into winter, it's time to put away summer foot wear and opt for more closed toed shoes and boots. For those suffering… Continue Reading

Dental Care During Pregnancy

When you're pregnant everything matters; what you eat, doctor appointments, exercise, and your dental health. The connection of your dental health to your overall health… Continue Reading

How Do I Obtain Smoother Skin?

We all have an area or two that, no matter how much we workout or watch what we eat, we cannot seem to improve. And… Continue Reading

Taking Steps To Prevent Signs Of Aging

With age comes wisdom but also wrinkles. And even though those laugh lines and crow's feet signal a life full of emotion and expression, many… Continue Reading

Fed Up With Dieting? Let's Lose Some Weight

Obesity affects countless people with tremendous health and social consequences. It is associated with chronic pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, increased cancer… Continue Reading

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