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Benefits of Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)Benefits of Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty (nose job) is held by many to be perhaps one of the most technically challenging yet enjoyable operations. Aesthetic and functional goals are achieved… Continue Reading

Acupuncture Can It Help?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin, to various depths at strategic points on your body. Acupuncture originated in China thousands… Continue Reading

A Beautiful Skin For a Lifetime

Who doesnt like a “quick fix?” Everywhere we look, someone always seems to be offering the next, greatest, quickest solution to an age-old problem. Most… Continue Reading

A NEAT Way To Lose Weight

What determines if you are heavy or lean? Is it 1. What you eat? 2. How much you formally exercise? 3. Your everyday activities? While… Continue Reading

Childhood Asthma

Did you know that children who receive multiple antibiotics throughout the year are more likely to develop asthma? This is often called the hygiene hypothesis… Continue Reading

Toothbrush Damage?

Why is it that, in the same mouth, some teeth have wear and recession at the gumline while others do not? Most people believe that… Continue Reading

Annual Skin Check

Do You Need An Annual Skin Check? Once again we come to the time when one year rolls into another. It is a good reminder… Continue Reading

Headache It Could Be a Pain In the Neck

Many people suffering from headaches might be surprised to learn that their discomfort actually may be caused by a problem in their neck or cervical… Continue Reading

Judo Orthodontics

Judo orthodontics is a method of orthodontic treatment that uses the body's own energy to move teeth. It uses lighter wires, lighter forces, causing little… Continue Reading

Enhancing Smiles, Changing Lives

It comes as no surprise that many people go to great lengths to maintain their youthful appearance. They work out daily, stay on a healthy… Continue Reading

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